June 26, 2019
The global reach of the internet is vast, and the potential audience you can attract and retain is enormous. However, in order to set yourself apart from your competition and win a larger customer base, you could consider implementing a multi-lingual site. Giving your customers the option of being addressed in their native language can get you ahead of your competitors, and often for minimal investment and similar running costs as a single language site.
If you couple this with a smooth flow from landing page to checkout, you can enhance your reputation globally and build trust. Moving forward you can add content in different languages to keep your audience engaged and increase your organic traffic from search engines. This brings us onto the additional benefit of a multi lingual site, improved search engine optimization.
Having your site searched in different languages will increase your reach and visibility. Google will rank you higher for having this option, whilst other prolific search engines in countries worldwide will rank your site and boost your profile.
We have several customers with multi-lingual sites, so if you would like to explore this option for your site, please get in touch with us.